Monday, May 25, 2020

Radiofrequency Treatment for Chronic back pain and Neck Pain Treatment in Delhi.

Radiofrequency ablation is a commonly used procedure for the management of chronic low back pain and neck pain. It is used for managing pain secondary to arthritis of the joints in the spine and offers a safe, effective non surgical, minimally invasive option for patients suffering with longstanding back and neck pain. This procedure is also used for sacroiliac joint pain as in patients with ankylosing spondylitis.

Advantages of this procedure include

  • No requirement for hospital stay or prolonged rehabilitation
  • Normal activities can generally be resumed soon after the procedure with little recovery time
  • Less pain can lead to improved functionality and reduced medication requirements
  • Lasting pain relief for and a low complication rate

Chronic back and neck pain

Spine is made up of a number of vertebrae which are stacked one above the other. These vertebrae are cushioned anteriorly by the disc and join with each other posteriorly at joints called the facet joints. There are two facet joints at each level. Wear and tear, degeneration of these joints can lead to back or neck pain. This condition is called facet joint arthritis or facet arthropathy. Pain originating from facet joint arthritis is generally described as a dull ache accompanied by stiffness. It is not uncommon for the pain in lower back to radiate along the back of thighs up to the knee joint. Similarly pain from lower neck (cervical) joints can radiate to in between the shoulder blades or the shoulder joint and that from upper neck joints can cause headaches.
Pain sensations form the facet joints are transmitted to brain via nerves called the medial branches. These nerves are the target in the radiofrequency treatment
Radiofrequency ablation involves placing special needles, using x-ray guidance, close to the nerves carrying pain sensation from the affected facet joints. Using specialised equipment a small area of these nerves is heated using the electric current produced by radio waves. This reduces the pain signals being transmitted by the nerves to the brain resulting in pain relief. This is a day care procedure performed under local anaesthesia and can provide long lasting pain relief.
Dr. Manocha has been formally trained in performing this procedure in the U.K. and U.S. The technique he uses is the same as advocated by International Spine Society giving you the best chances of having a successful outcome.
Consult Best Pain Specialist In Delhi, Dr. Amod Manocha.

Friday, May 22, 2020

5 Things You Should Know About Coccyx Pain treatment in Delhi

1. Introduction

The coccyx or the tailbone is the bottom most part of the spinal vertebral column which has many muscle and tendon attachments. It is one of the lesser known body parts but this bony beak shaped structure gains attention in cases of coccygeal pain or in common terms, coccydynia. It is imperative to consult the best pain specialist and many patients are now looking for pain treatments in Delhi due to availability of experienced doctors, high-end infrastructure and world class treatment available at quite a reasonable price.

2. What triggers Coccydynia?

Coccyx plays a role in stabilizing your body when you sit, or switch positions and is subjected to stress and strain especilly when using lack of ergonomically designed furniture.
Coccydynia is particularly common in women due to a wider pelvic structure possibly predisposing tailbone to more stress. Coccyx injury in particular is the most common cause of coccyx pain and it may cause bruising, inflammation, dislocation or fracture of the tailbone.
Mentioned below are the various causes for coccyx injury:
  • Falling while being in a seated position, while on a chair, or from the stairs
  • Sports injuries
  • Injury during labour
  • Friction injury caused by cycling or rowing
  • Idiopathic causes
  • Bone spurs
  • Infections
  • Neoplasms
  • Obesity
  • Prolonged sitting

3. A brief overview of the symptoms and signs of Coccyx Pain:

  • Coccydynia causes intense, severe, sharp pain in the buttock area and can aggravate on changing positions from sitting to standing or leaning.
  • Coccydynia can present as pain and discomfort during sexual intercourse.
  • Sometimes it is accompanied by bruising.
  • Difficulty in bowel movements, accompanied by pain.

4. How is Coccyx Pain Diagnosed?

You need to consultant experienced pain specialist who can diagnose your tailbone pain. Proper diagnosis and identification of provocating factors helps tailor treatment to achieve best results
  • A proper history is taken first to rule out any instances of injury or trauma
  • Examination can help narrow down the possible pain generators
  • In cases of bone spurs and injury, X rays are taken.
  • MRI may be requested especially In case of cancer or fracture
  • Injections can further help confirm the source of pain

5. Management and Treatment

The key to successful management of coccydynia is consulting an experienced pain specialist. Coccydynia can be managed by a combination of lifestyle modifications, physical therapy and pharmacological measures. This includes
  • Avoiding further strain on the pain area by using cushions for support
  • Reducing weight if you are overweight
  • Physical therapy
  • Use of injections like –
  • Coccyx or Sacrococcygeal Joint Injections, and
  • Ganglion Impar block and Radiofrequency treatment.
Pain Specialists also suggest the followingfor relief from Coccydynia :
  • Preventing prolonged sitting position and avoiding hard surfaces while sitting
  • Ice fomentation during acute flare up episodes
  • Over the counter medications including NSAIDS like Naproxen, Acetaminophen, Ibuprofen
  • Consuming high fiber foods to counter constipation

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Know All About the Treatment Options for Neuropathic Pain treatment in Delhi & Gurgaon

The increasing number of pain management centres in Delhi is a proof of chaning times and increasing awareness about pain management options. Neuropathic or nerve pain is one of the common reasons for pain clinic consultation.
Nerves act as the conduction pathways transmitting signals to and from the brain. Sensations including pain are transmitted as chemical and electrical signals to the brain where the pain is actually perceived. When the nerve become damaged or dysfucntional they start generating pain signals themselves. This category of pain is defined as neuropathic pain. Neuropathic pain can be severe, debelitating and you need to choose experienced doctors when it comes to neuropathic pain treatment in Delhi.

Let us first learn what causes neuropathic pain

Neuropathic pain is mainly caused by nervous system damage/dysfunction. Manyfactors and conditions can predispose to development of neuropathic pain. Some of the common reasons include:
  • Diabetes mellitus leading to a condition known as polyneuropathy where multiple nerves of the peripheral nervous system are affected
  • Certain Medications
  • Nerve compression
  • Nutritional deficiencies
  • Neoplasms
  • Chronic Alcoholism
  • Toxin exposure
  • Immunological diseases
  • Infections
  • Idiopathic

Treatment Modalities

It is important to consult the best centres for neuropathic pain treatment in Delhi where the team understands your pain and has extensive experience in diagnosis and management of all linds of neuropathic pain. Neuropathic pain increases the excitability of the neves, receptors and produces changes in the spinal cord such as those in N methyl D aspartate or NMDA receptor. Moreover, there is an imbalance between the excitatory and inhibitory systems further increasing the perceived pain.
If the predisposing factors or the preexisting damage isunmodifiable then the focus shifts to stopping the condition from worsening, pharmacological management and symptom/ pain control.
  • In case of diabetic polyneuropathy, management of blood sugar level along with exercise and medication is helpful especially in type 1 diabetes
  • In case of vitamin deficiency, vitamin administration and diet changes are recommended.
  • In cases of nerve entrapments local injections can help if providing relief
  • Along with management of the pain, it is equally important to alleviate other associated symptoms such as sleep disturbances and low mood.
  • Pharmacological Management:Use of tricyclic antidepressants, anticonvulsants, opioids, topical numbing agents and patcheshelp in managing the symptoms of neuropathic pain. Interventions such as Nerve blocks, sodium channel blocking agents andneuromodulation is often utilised in combination with pharmacotherapy. These may not remove the causative factors but they certainly help in management of the pain.
It is essential to consult the best pain management centre in Delhi where an multidisciplinary approach is used and the emphasis is on improving quality of life and reducing pain, discomfort.

Friday, May 8, 2020

How to choose best Pain specialist doctor in Delhi and gurgaon

Globally 1 in 10 adults are diagnosed with chronic pain each year. Some accept pain as a part of ageing process and others make peace with it as they have been told that nothing can be done. But is that so?
With age you do become more prone to developing conditions such as arthritis but for most people pain control can be optimised to reduce the impact on quality of life. This requires willing to invest time and effort on part of the affected individual.

Choosing your Pain Specialist

In the field of medicine learning continues for life and keeping up to date with the latest evidence, technological developments is essential. Understandably, around the world, there is a huge variability in the pain treatments offered based on local expertise, risks involved, ethical and social considerations, lifestyles, patient expectations and believes. Treatment cost has a huge bearing on the offered/ accepted treatment modalities.
When it comes down to choosing your doctor everyone wants the best. Not the second to best but the best. So how do you decide who is best? Or is there something like the best doctor?
  • For most individuals if a doctor in the media/limelight and treats renowned people then he must be good
  • For others if the doctors name comes high up on internet search engines then he/she is assumed to be good
  • Some rely on the feedback/ experiences of previous patients
  • Word of mouth or recommendation is important for some
  • Perhaps a foreign degree/ experience is a clincher for others
If I had to choose, who treats my pain, I would not be looking at just the doctor, but also for the setup he works in. For me the key question is – will he/she be able to offer me the comprehensive services required for a long lasting solution to my pain issues.
The most important component of treatment plan is diagnosing the source on problem (if possible) and deciding on what can be done for sustained, long-lasting benefits. This requires contribution from the individual in the form of life style modifications,weight management, regular physiotherapy etc. The process starts with education patient about his condition, advice on do’s and don’ts …is your best doctor willing to spend time on these???
Equally important is to be reasonable assured that your doctor has received the necessary training and experience to safely deliver the proposed treatments

For me I need a specialist

  • Who understands pain
  • Who looks at pain not just as a symptom, but as a disease and
  • Tries to reduce the impact on life
  • Someone who is willing to make a difference, to work with me and help me move towards my goals
  • Someone who may not have all the answers but is willing to search for them
Someone for whom every pain is a mystery…. waiting to be solved…. One consultation with the Doctor should be more than enough for you to gauge whether you are with your best doctor or do you still need to carry on searching….. Good Luck

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Managing Chronic Back Pain Treatment in Delhi & Gurgaon

We have all endured finite episodes of severe pain whether that is a fractured bone or severe migraine or throes of labour pains. While we may be fortunate enough to remember them as distant memories, those with constant pain are often denied this luxury of forgetfulness. Their lives often encompassed around managing pain. Leaving aside the distress/agony it causes, it can cause other harmful effects on most body systems whether it is your mental/ emotional well being or your heart or your quality of life. Hence it is import to control it sooner rather than later.
Pain, although distressing, has the benefit of bringing medical problems to our attention. It usually abates as healing occurs. Chronic pain is pain that persists beyond the period of healingTraditionally pain is thought to represent ongoing damage in body. This is now considered incorrect especially in context of longstanding/ chronic pain. To simplify- CHRONIC PAIN DOES NOT ALWAYS SIGNIFY ONGOING DAMAGE.

The newer understanding of chronic pain

In the past patients who usually complained of long standing pain, were often dismissed by healthcare professionals and most patients accepted pain as a part of ageing. In many cases it was not easy to figure out the underlying cause of pain, as chronic pain was not well understood. Over the years, with the amount of research that has gone into the study of chronic pain, doctors now understand more about different facets of pain management – physiological, psychological, pharmacological, interventional etc. There is enhanced understanding of mechanisms which can cause amplification of perceived pain symptoms. These advances and technological developments have enabled pain specialists to offer more to their patients. This stands true for back pain as well. While a significant number of people in a population suffer from back pain, fortunately for most this will resolve with time. However a small proportion does go on to develop chronic pain. The severity can vary from mild discomfort to debilitating illness interfering with activities of daily living and limiting functionality. Pain management specialists use a combination of modalities and specialties known as multimodal multidisciplinary approach to effectively manage the back pain.

What do you understand by pain management?

The complexities of pain and the fact that surgery or pills cannot resolve all pain has been long recognised. Understanding and treating chronic pain is challenging as we all experience and process pain differently. Hence one therapy does not work for all. This has lead to the development of Pain Medicine as a separate speciality. In this speciality the doctors are trained specially to deal chronic pain conditions and develop a better understanding of pain, underlying mechanisms and ways of reducing its impact on life.  A good pain physician focuses on holistic management of patient rather than just treating the disease.
Pain medicine is branch of medicine concerned with evaluation, treatment, and rehabilitation of persons in pain.  It utilises a Multi –disciplinary approach with specialists from different fields working together help in managing your pain, restore functioning and improving quality of life. The team mostly comprises of Pain Specialists, Specialist Nurses, Physiotherapists, Occupational therapists, Acupuncturists, Psychologists and Dieticians.

Role of pain management for chronic back pain

When it comes to chronic back pain, there are a variety of ways in which pain clinic can help.  Most pain clinic interventions have the advantage of being low risk, minimally invasive, non-surgical options without any need for prolonged hospitalisation. The treatment plan is individualised and may include a combination of the following
  • Patient Education 
  • Medication Management
  • Physiotherapy and rehabilitation
  • Psychology input including relaxation therapy, coping and self-management skills, cognitive behavioral therapy
  • Complementary and alternative therapies including Acupuncture, TENS, acupressure, meditation
  • Dietary advice
  • Interventions such as injections. These can be especially useful for people where the source of pain is not known despite extensive investigations. Diagnostic injections can help in reliably identifying sources of pain when investigations have been inconclusive. Some of the treatment options are not commonly available elsewhere and these include 
  • X-ray/ ultrasound  guided injections like nerve blocks, epidurals, facet joint injections
  • CT guided interventions in areas which require precision for accuracy and minimising risks
  • Advanced techniques such as Radiofrequency treatment which can provide prolonged pain relief for common conditions arthritis of the joints in the spine
Research and technological developments have opened new avenues in pain management such as 
  • Newer technologies – cooled radiofrequency and spinal cord stimulators
  • Regenerative medicine options including stem cells and platelet rich plasma(PRP)
Asa vast majority of patients with back pain do not require surgery, a combination of above mentioned modalities can help in effective pain relief.  Pain clinic is also an option for patients who have had inadequate results from previous surgery or those who are not keen on surgery or not fit to have surgery.
Consult Best Pain Specialist In Delhi, Dr. Amod Manocha.