Friday, December 25, 2020

Physiotherapy in Delhi provided by Best pain specialist in Delhi

 Tag: Physiotherapy in Delhi

Physiotherapy In Delhi

Physiotherapy is an essential component of chronic pain management. Physiotherapy approach in chronic pain is different compared to that after an injury (acute pain). Longstanding pain results in altered biomechanics and changes in the way nerves transmit the pain sensations to the brain. Altered biomechanics leads to more stress on some body parts at the expense of protecting the painful areas. Over a period of time this can lead to the relative weakening of certain muscles and one needs to be re-educated on the basics such as correct posture, gait and, weight bearing.

We understand that getting started can be difficult. Your physiotherapist will help tailor the exercises to your current functional status.

An experienced physiotherapist can help you by:

  • Setting realistic goals
  • Dividing exercises into smaller achievable steps giving you a sense of achievement and enabling achievement of bigger goals which may seem impossible initially
  • Giving you advice on posture and activity levels
  • Educating you about your pain condition and the do’s and don’ts
  • Explaining the concept of pacing of activitiesactivity cycle and helping you implement these. In simple words, this means avoiding over activity at one time and undertaking a predetermined amount of minimal physical activity every day irrespective of pain severity. The amount of physical activity is then increased gradually and maintained to let the body get accustomed to the new activity levels. Hence the focus is on gradual increase and maintaining the positive trend. Doing too much at one time can lead to increase pain and inactivity over the next few days. This is unhelpful as it promotes deconditioning of muscles and reinforced the negative thoughts such as increasing activity means more pain
  • Aim to make you independent and self-reliant so that in the long run you can continue with the exercises on your own
  • Keep you motivated and guide you through the difficult time, helping you progress towards your goals.

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Arm Pain and Neck Pain Treatment In Delhi

 Neck Pain is a pain posteriorly anywhere between the skull base and thoracic spine. It is the largest cause of musculoskeletal disability after low back pain. Approximately two-thirds of the population will suffer from neck pain at some time in their life with high prevalence in middle ages. Fortunately for most people the acute pain resolves within days or weeks although in some it may reoccur or become chronic.

Neck pain may be a result of...

  • Local pathology
  • Whiplash (flexion-extension) injuries/ trauma
  • Be a part of a more widespread systemic problem such as ankylosing spondylitis, rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia etc.
  • Be a result of referred pain from neighboring areas for example the shoulder joint

Neck pain usually has a multifactorial etiology -poor posture, neck strain/injuries, anxiety, depression and stress can play a role in magnifying the perceived pain. Quite often the diagnosis of simple or nonspecific neck pain is used implying postural and mechanical causes; this is contrary to other serious causes of neck pain such as fracture, tumour, infection etc.

Pain from upper neck can radiate towards the head leading to frequent headaches and that from the lower part of the neck can radiate to the shoulder, arm, chest wall and the scapula. Reduced neck movement along with localized areas of muscle tenderness known as trigger points are commonly observed along with pain.


Like with other chronic pain conditions, multi-disciplinary management based on the biopsychosocial model of pain is the preferred approach. Please follow these links to find out how medication optimisationphysiotherapyPsychology and complimentary therapies such as acupuncture TENS and meditation can help.

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Persisting Pain After Knee Replacement

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Know about Meditation From Best Pain Specialist In Gurgaon

Meditation In Delhi

Central Nervous system plays an important role in regulating the signals being transmitted from other body parts. Meditation helps to relax body; mind and can help by reducing the amplification of these signals thus reducing the perceived pain. It can help in developing a positive outlook and getting rid of the negativity which exacerbates perceived pain. Whilst we may not have a choice in the diseases we acquire, we do have a choice in how manage them and meditation can help in this.

Effect of meditation on chronic pain conditions has been the subject of many research studies. In a recent systematic review on the effect of mindfulness on chronic pain the authors concluded that mindfulness meditation is associated with a small decrease in pain. They found statistically significant effects on depressive symptoms and quality of life. This systematic review analyzed 38 randomized controlled trials and the authors suggested that more large-scale studies should be conducted to decisively provide estimates of the efficacy of mindfulness. 


editation Meditation