Thursday, April 30, 2020

Neuropathic Pain Treatment In Delhi & Gurgaon

Neuropathic or nerve pain arises as a result to damage or improper functioning of the nerves/nervous system. It presents as poorly localised burning, shooting or electric shock like pain with altered sensitivity in the affected area. Sudden increase in pain severity is commonly observed. Over the period of time sometimes skin changes, weakness and wasting of muscles can develop. The affected area may develop increased sensitivity perceiving non painful stimuli such as touch to be painful. Alternatively patient may report having pain in areas which feel numb. Some examples of common conditions with neuropathic pain include
  • Diabetic Neuropathy where patients complain of a burning sensation most commonly in the sole of feet, worst at night time
  • Infections such as Post heretic neuralgia, HIV
  • Persistent post surgery pain or trauma involving nerve damage
  • Drug induced neuropathy including that after chemotherapy/radiotherapy
  • Cancer related neuropathy
  • Post Amputation- Phantom limb pain
  • Central causes such as spinal cord injuries, strokes, multiple sclerosis
  • Complex Regional Pain Syndrome
  • Nutritional deficiencies
Screening questionnaires are commonly used in diagnosing neuropathic pain. Investigations such as blood tests, scans, and nerve and muscle tests may be requested to confirm the diagnosis or rule out other conditions. Depending on the history, examination and investigation findings the pain condition is diagnosed as possible, probable or definite neuropathic pain.


Neuropathic pain can be severe with significant impact on the quality of life. Sleep disturbances, anxiety and depression are frequently observed along with pain. Multi-disciplinary approach has the advantage of addressing all concomitant factors involved in exacerbating pain and affecting quality of life. Some of the common interventions include
Drugs labelled as Neuropathic agents are specifically used to treat pain neuropathic pain. Whilst they may have been made to treat other conditions (like epilepsy and depression) it is not uncommon for drugs to be used for multiple conditions. A number of anticonvulsants and antidepressants are well reorganised pain killers for nerve pain. Examples of these drugs include Gabapentin, Pregabalin, Nortiptyline etc. Please follow the link to medication optimisation to find out more.
Nerve blocks
Nerves carry the pain sensation to the brain and blocking this transmission can be achieved by nerve blocks. These are useful when the pain generator are the nerves themselves and in conditions where the focus is on reducing pain, improving quality of life. An example of this is persisting knee pain after joint replacement surgery despite there being no problem with the replaced joint. In such cases Genicular nerves which carry pain sensation from the knee are targeted to reduce pain. It is important to understand that persisting pain does not always signify ongoing damage. The nerves targeted will depend on the area involved and may include sympathetic nerves as in Sympathetic blocks e.g. stellate ganglion block, Hypogastric plexus block. 
Transmission of pain impulses to brain can also be reduced by other interventions such as radiofrequency treatment and Neurolytic blocks. Further details of this are mentioned in other sections of this website depending on the body part involved such as for shoulder pain further information about suprascapular nerve can be found in the joint pain section.
Intravenous infusions
Some drugs when given through the veins over a period of time can produce prolonged pain relief when the source of pain is the nerves/nervous system. These drugs can help to reduce the sensitivity of nerves at the site of lesion and in spinal cord which in turn leads to reduced pain sensation being transmitted to brain.
As nerve injury /dysfunction may be accompanied by weakness/ atrophy of muscles, physiotherapy forms an essential pillar of overall management. It helps in preventing deconditioning of muscles and preserving the functionality. Please follow the link for finding out more about how physiotherapy can help.
Options including cognitive behavioral therapy, coping strategies and relaxation techniques can help in dealing with flare up episodes and any accompanying mood disturbances. Please follow the link for finding out more about how psychology can help.

Monday, April 27, 2020

Cervicogenic Headache Treatment In Delhi

What is Cervicogenic Headache?

Cervicogenic headache in simple terms means headache originating from the neck. Even though the pain you experience is in the head or part of the face, the actual problem in lies in the neck. The possible pain generators in the neck include the joints, discs, surrounding tissues such as the neck muscles, coverings of the spinal cord and blood vessels.
Headaches afflict people of all ages. The impact is variable from mild discomfort to severe incapacitation, depending on the severity and the frequency of headaches. Often the causative factors are numerous and difficult to pinpoint. Cervicogenic headaches represent one such condition that is easily overlooked and under diagnosed, due to limited awareness about the condition. This is a treatable cause of headaches with possibility of good relief if the diagnosis is correct.

Signs & Symptoms of Cervicogenic Headache:

Some of the pointers towards cervicogenic headache include:
  • Increase in headache with neck movements such as nodding or rotation of neck
  • Increase pain with pressure on certain sensitive points in the neck
  • Stiffness and reduced range of neck movements
  • Pain is generally one sided and does not change sides. Sometimes both sides are involved
  • Generally described as a pressure sensation at the back, side or front of head or in the area around the eye. It may be episodic with varying duration or present constantly. During severe episodes nausea and vomiting and other features similar to migraine can be present making the diagnosis more challenging.
The headaches often start after trauma/ injuries such as whiplash. Conditions such as occipital neuralgia (a problem associated with the nerves at the back of head) are closely linked to cervicogenic headaches.

Causes of Cervicogenic Headache:

A number of neck conditions have been attributed to cause cervicogenic headaches including:
  • Degenerative changes in the joints of the cervical spine such as osteoarthritis
  • Discs of the cervical spine
  • Whiplash injury to the cervical spine or other sports injuries
  • Spasms of the neck muscles
  • Bad posture of the neck for long periods of time, such as when working or sleeping

Diagnosing Cervicogenic Headaches:

Diagnosing a cervicogenic headache can be tricky, as a number of headaches can present with similar features. Your doctor will obtain a detailed history often taking you back to when it had first started. You will be asked in detail about your pain symptoms, stress levels, work, eating and sleep habits, medication usage etc. This is usually followed up by examination. Diagnostic investigations such as X-ray, MRI, CT scans cannot conform the diagnosis but do provide support to the diagnosis. An injection is often used for confirmation of the diagnosis.

Cervicogenic Headache Management Options:

There are a variety of treatment methods for helping with cervicogenic headaches. These include:
  • Lifestyle changes such as regulation of sleep cycle, workplace ergonomics
  • Medication may include mild or potent pain killers
  • Interventions such as joint, nerve or muscle injections. These generally involve injection of local anaesthetics with or without steroids. Sometimes Botulinum toxin injections are used for muscles
  • Radiofrequency treatment can help relieve/ reduce these headaches for a prolonged duration

Management Options continued:

  • Physical therapy can help to stretch and relax the muscles in and around your neck. They can help deal with the muscular trigger points
  • Psychology input may involve biofeedback, relaxation therapy and cognitive behavioral therapy
  • Complimentary and alternative medicine including meditation, yoga, TENS, acupressure and acupuncture
  • Surgery – this may be used in cases with severe joint changes or nerve compression causing severe headache remains unrelieved by other modalities, but this is rare

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Managing Chronic Back Pain Treatment in Gurgaon

We have all endured finite episodes of severe pain whether that is a fractured bone or severe migraine or throes of labour pains. While we may be fortunate enough to remember them as distant memories, those with constant pain are often denied this luxury of forgetfulness. Their lives often encompassed around managing pain. Leaving aside the distress/agony it causes, it can cause other harmful effects on most body systems whether it is your mental/ emotional well being or your heart or your quality of life. Hence it is import to control it sooner rather than later.
Pain, although distressing, has the benefit of bringing medical problems to our attention. It usually abates as healing occurs. Chronic pain is pain that persists beyond the period of healingTraditionally pain is thought to represent ongoing damage in body. This is now considered incorrect especially in context of longstanding/ chronic pain. To simplify- CHRONIC PAIN DOES NOT ALWAYS SIGNIFY ONGOING DAMAGE.

The newer understanding of chronic pain

In the past patients who usually complained of long standing pain, were often dismissed by healthcare professionals and most patients accepted pain as a part of ageing. In many cases it was not easy to figure out the underlying cause of pain, as chronic pain was not well understood. Over the years, with the amount of research that has gone into the study of chronic pain, doctors now understand more about different facets of pain management – physiological, psychological, pharmacological, interventional etc. There is enhanced understanding of mechanisms which can cause amplification of perceived pain symptoms. These advances and technological developments have enabled pain specialists to offer more to their patients. This stands true for back pain as well. While a significant number of people in a population suffer from back pain, fortunately for most this will resolve with time. However a small proportion does go on to develop chronic pain. The severity can vary from mild discomfort to debilitating illness interfering with activities of daily living and limiting functionality. Pain management specialists use a combination of modalities and specialties known as multimodal multidisciplinary approach to effectively manage the back pain.

What do you understand by pain management?

The complexities of pain and the fact that surgery or pills cannot resolve all pain has been long recognised. Understanding and treating chronic pain is challenging as we all experience and process pain differently. Hence one therapy does not work for all. This has lead to the development of Pain Medicine as a separate speciality. In this speciality the doctors are trained specially to deal chronic pain conditions and develop a better understanding of pain, underlying mechanisms and ways of reducing its impact on life.  A good pain physician focuses on holistic management of patient rather than just treating the disease.
Pain medicine is branch of medicine concerned with evaluation, treatment, and rehabilitation of persons in pain.  It utilises a Multi –disciplinary approach with specialists from different fields working together help in managing your pain, restore functioning and improving quality of life. The team mostly comprises of Pain Specialists, Specialist Nurses, Physiotherapists, Occupational therapists, Acupuncturists, Psychologists and Dieticians.

Role of pain management for chronic back pain

When it comes to chronic back pain, there are a variety of ways in which pain clinic can help.  Most pain clinic interventions have the advantage of being low risk, minimally invasive, non-surgical options without any need for prolonged hospitalisation. The treatment plan is individualised and may include a combination of the following
  • Patient Education 
  • Medication Management
  • Physiotherapy and rehabilitation
  • Psychology input including relaxation therapy, coping and self-management skills, cognitive behavioral therapy
  • Complementary and alternative therapies including Acupuncture, TENS, acupressure, meditation
  • Dietary advice
  • Interventions such as injections. These can be especially useful for people where the source of pain is not known despite extensive investigations. Diagnostic injections can help in reliably identifying sources of pain when investigations have been inconclusive. Some of the treatment options are not commonly available elsewhere and these include 
  • X-ray/ ultrasound  guided injections like nerve blocks, epidurals, facet joint injections
  • CT guided interventions in areas which require precision for accuracy and minimising risks
  • Advanced techniques such as Radiofrequency treatment which can provide prolonged pain relief for common conditions arthritis of the joints in the spine
Research and technological developments have opened new avenues in pain management such as 
  • Newer technologies – cooled radiofrequency and spinal cord stimulators
  • Regenerative medicine options including stem cells and platelet rich plasma(PRP)
Asa vast majority of patients with back pain do not require surgery, a combination of above mentioned modalities can help in effective pain relief.  Pain clinic is also an option for patients who have had inadequate results from previous surgery or those who are not keen on surgery or not fit to have surgery.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Cooled Radiofrequency For Knee Pain treatment In Delhi

Why do you experience chronic knee pain?

Chronic knee pain troubles a significant number of people worldwide. It is a common problem amongst the aging population, and can indeed be very painful and debilitating, sometime even confining individuals to the bed. The most common cause of knee pain in elderly is osteoarthritis (OA), a condition where the cartilages of the knee joint have worn out due to wear and tear. This results in friction between the bones of the joint during movement which results in pain. The impact is more in overweight and obese because of the extra load on the knees. The risk of knee OA in overweight women is nearly 4 times and in overweight men is 5 times greater. It is not just the mechanical factors which promote OA in obesity but also the co-existence of disordered glucose and lipid metabolism and the highly metabolic and inflammatory environments have a significant role.

What can be done for chronic knee pain?

Initial management involves lifestyle modification, supplements, simple pain killers and physiotherapy. It is estimated that an extra Kg of weight exerts a force of nearly three to six times across the knee while walking. Thus, weight loss is an important modifiable factor in the treatment of knee OA which the affected individual can drive. Various studies have demonstrated that weight loss improves both pain and function in obese subjects with knee OA.
Local injections are considered depending on the severity of problem and other factors such as age, functional status etc. When the pain and discomfort is severe your doctor may offer you the option of undergoing a knee replacement surgery. This involves removal of the worn out part of joint, shaping the ends of the bone and placing a metal implant. This reconstruction of the knee joint allows for smooth, pain free movement for most individuals. However some, even following the rehabilitation process, continue to experience pain.
For those who are
  • Not keen on the replacement surgery or
  • Not fit to have one or
  • Continue to have pain after knee replacement surgery
Cooled Radiofrequency is an alternative treatment. Details about this treatment can be found in the Knee pain section of the website and in old blogs.

What causes continued pain following surgery?

The causes of knee pain following replacement surgery can be located inside the joint (intra articular causes) or outside the joint (extra articular causes).
The intra articular causes include:
  • Knee joint instability
  • Loosening of the implant
  • Infection of the bone or the joint space
  • Problems related to the kneecap (patella)
  • Osteolysis (loss of bone)
  • Issues related to size or type of implant
It is important to rule out the extra articular causes when a patient complains of persistent knee joint pain following surgery, because they can have serious consequences if they are missed.
The extra articular causes include:
  • Localized knee problems such as tendinitis and bursitis
  • Pain radiating from the nearby joints/body parts such as spine, hip and ankles
  • People who have ongoing psychological illnesses will also tend to experience longer postoperative pain
  • Nerve injuries/ problems
The focus of a recent research in Oxford, UK has been weather the knee replacement should be done earlier and not as a last resort. The authors suspected that long term persisting knee pain can lead to changes in the nervous system (nerves, spinal cord and brain) which can be responsible for persisting pain even if the original cause is corrected.

Diagnosing the problem:

You doctor will go through multiple steps in order to evaluate the pain you are experiencing. This process includes, taking a detailed history of the pain, such as when what type of pain you are experiencing and when you experience it the most. Then your doctor will go on to examine the knee, which will help him/her to further narrow down on probable causes & identify problems such as stiffness, swelling, and issues with alignment of the joint.
You will be asked to undergo investigations such as, X-ray, MRI, blood tests including inflammatory markers such as CRP and ESR etc.

How to manage this condition?

Depending on the cause of your pain, you doctor may suggest a variety of treatment plans. On some occasions pain relief medication may help to control the pain, and even get rid of it completely. Physiotherapy is another option which has proven to be effective in managing pain following knee replacement surgery. Nerve blocks are sometimes offered if nerves are suspected to be the pain generator. Cooled Radiofrequency of the nerve supplying the knee can help in reducing or resolving your pain issues. Sometimes repeat surgery such as revision knee replacement is required If.

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Joint pain treatment in Delhi

Joint pain can be a source of prolonged discomfort which one may have to endure in life. This can affect your daily activities and make you feel depressed. Joint pain specialists in Delhi NCR are daily visited by numerous patients complaining of severe pain and in search of treatments which can provide quick relief.
For you to get the most appropriate treatment, the way you explain your pain to the doctor is important. There are a plethora of options for joint pain treatment in Delhi NCR . But reaching out to the right centre with experienced and skillful professionals whom you can count upon is important.
Read below to understand the importance of accurately describing your joint pain concerns to your treating doctor:
  • Joint pain is subjective, without your explaining it may be very difficult for the doctor to know what your pain feels like and how severe it is
  • Joint pain can have numerous causes such as like age related wear and tear, injury, trauma, infections etc
  • Involvement of multiple joint in the body may require different assessment/investigations than just one isolated joint problem. Treatment options may also differ depending on the actual pathology
  • Treatments offered depend on the severity of symptoms, their impact on your life, your age, activity levels and your goals/expectations. There are many treatment alternatives –both non-surgical and surgical, depending on the assessment of the above factors
  • These are some important points which may help your doctor to understand and treat your pain better:
  • Explain where the pain is; how long you have had the pain and how it started. If possible point the exact place, is it in the knee, ankle or shoulder pain?
  • The character of pain can help in narrowing down the possible causes. For example is it aching, burning, shouting or stabbing pain? Is it present all the time?
  • Aggravating or reliving factors are equally important- Is it worse when you are walking or at night time when you are trying to sleep. is it when you sit, walk or stand?
  • It is important to tell the doctor how the pain affects your daily life. This information is essential as it enables the doctor to have a clear overview of what you are feeling. While describing the impact of pain do not forget about your sleep and mood.
In case the pain is short-term, your doctor may recommend home care like –
  • Applying ice or hot compression at the joint several times.
  • Avoiding activity that may cause the pain.
  • Using a brace to protect the joint.
Various other options are used for Joint pain treatment in Delhi NCR like steroid or hyaluronic acid injections, nerve blocks and radiofrequency treatment. They can all help to ease the suffering and improve your quality of living. Some options are specific to the joints involved. These are mostly combined with medications and physiotherapy to improve outcomes.